I’m one of those people – that if I can’t find it or buy it… I make it. Well, after nearly
four months on strict bed rest carrying our little girl, I was itching to use my sewing machine again. And itching to look somewhat fashionable…err…uhem..presentable… now, showing my face in public again. I started making some lacey frilly boot socks/legwarmers for me and my sister. Now, toting an itty bitty baby around, everyone would stop me… not to tell me how cute my baby was… BUT to ask me where I got my boot socks!! Before I knew it, I had random scraps of paper in my diaper bag with phone numbers of people that wanted them. On October 31st of this last year, I decided to throw a couple pairs of them up on etsy… they sold like hot cakes… and within a couple of days I had over 400 requests for them!! Ahh!! Good thing my itty bitty was such a good napper, because that was my only time to sew, sew, sew.
Now, 3 months later, I have hired my friends to help me. We have sold nearly 3,000 pairs of this lacey frilly goodness. We grew so rapidly and have evolved into an official company with trademarked designs. For as long as I can remember, my dream has been to be a stay-at-home mommy. But, I’ve always had this drive/ambition to use the skills that God has given me. I feel soo soo blessed and thankful that He has placed “Grace & Lace” in my hands, and even more blessed for this little miracle baby girl.
with His Grace and a little Lace,
I love all of it! I want one of each…
Love these, they’re so pretty and sweet 🙂 Congrats on growing a successful business so quickly!
Omg. I love this. I’m totally buying some!!