About Jessica Rae Huber
Jessica Rae Huber is a film and video game composer from Ft. Lauderdale, FL but currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband Ryan. Jessica received her Bachelor of Arts in Communications, History, and Women’s Studies from Florida Atlantic University and also earned a Bachelor of Music in Film and Video Game Scoring from Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. Jessica loves to watch films, travel, taste snobby beers and white wines. She is the co-founder and Deputy Editor of Culturemaker(s) and her music and personal writing can be found at jessicaraehuber.com. You will probably see Jessica blog about: music – especially how it relates to visual mediums, and social media – how it shapes the society and relationships. Jessica is a deeply honest and thoughtful friend.
“Teach me some melodious sonnet sung by flaming tongues above.” – Robert Robinson
“Ah, music! A magic far beyond all we do here!” -Albus Dumbledore
It was never my grandparents who griped the most about our modern culture. For me it was my aged college professors. They were always the most crotchety about how we young twenty-somethings had a “tough road ahead of us,” and how … Continue reading →
It’s been a little under a year since I started living in Southern California, 2,711 miles away from my family. Previous to that I was living in Boston, 1,471 miles away from them in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. I’ve had several … Continue reading →
Two days ago I ended a 7-day juice fast. Before the salt and toxins have fully re-established themselves in my system I wanted to share what I learned, how my body changed, and what I’m doing differently going forward. For … Continue reading →
Most girls growing up, past a certain age, consider themselves cooler than their parents and wouldn’t go to their mom for advice past how to use their first feminine hygiene product or how to apply mascara . . . maybe. My … Continue reading →
Posted in Beauty & Fashion, Being a Woman, Family, Relationships, Self Esteem
Tagged Beauty, Classy Lady, Fashion, Greta Bost, Jessica Rae Huber, Mother's Day, Premier Designs
It was 5AM yesterday morning when my phone buzzed with the text: “Moses has been found :]” My east coast family still can’t get used to my west coast time zone so I was roped into one of those wonderful … Continue reading →