About Lyndsay Wilkin
Lyndsay Wilkin, an editor for On the Willows, lives in Northern California with her husband, Wyley, and their two kiddos, Harrison and Clara, and their adorable lemon beagle, Indiana (Indie). She received her BA in International Government and hopes to further her education somewhere down the line. In the meantime, she holds the office of "Mommy" and works part-time for Visiting Angels Home Care Services, helping families find caregivers for their loved ones as an alternative to placing them in nursing homes. For fun, she does a little acting on the side and enjoys writing fiction and reading LOTS of books. She loves movies, history, politics, traveling, and volleyball. As a blogger, she's all about big picture topics, especially when it comes to having a biblical worldview in today's Western culture. As a friend, Lynds is absolutely loyal and thoughtful and she would do anything for her friends.
“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:3
Like most (if not all) of you reading this article, I drew my own conclusion about the tragedy between Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman back when Martin was first killed. Anyone whose life is taken so young and so suddenly is … Continue reading →
The other day I was doing what I do every Wednesday: working out on the elliptical (aka the “grasshopper”) at my gym next to my BFF. I was thirty minutes in, starting to feel the sweat trickling, reading a super intense part … Continue reading →
If you had asked me six months ago what my favorite part of C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity was, you would have seen me turn every hue of embarrassed red and shrug my shoulders, averting my eyes and hoping the topic … Continue reading →
My husband and I are worship leaders. Coming from a background that’s a little more charismatic than traditional, most of the songs we do are not primarily of the hymn variety. But we’ve always had a tendency to gravitate toward songs that … Continue reading →
Nod your head if you’ve ever heard someone say something like this to you in reference to some way they’ve let you or someone else down: “I can’t help it. That’s just how I am.” Now nod your head if … Continue reading →