It was just a few months ago that I read an article that sent me absolutely spinning. Got me more inflamed emotionally than I’d been over anything in a long time. I mean, I’m opinionated, and I can get pretty riled up, … Continue reading
It was just a few months ago that I read an article that sent me absolutely spinning. Got me more inflamed emotionally than I’d been over anything in a long time. I mean, I’m opinionated, and I can get pretty riled up, … Continue reading
“Bien Faire is an ethical style guide and shopping resource for the conscious consumer, featuring products that are American made, fair trade, artisanal, and second hand.” For two years, Cara Bartlett (a contributor and friend of On the Willows) dedicated herself to purchasing ethically manufactured … Continue reading
Over the winter I noticed that I was avoiding a decent size chunk of my closet. I was selecting the same type of outfit over and over again; leggings, a long sweater or cardigan, and boots. Now, to be fair, … Continue reading
This next “trip” I have scheduled is probably long overdue. Growing up, our family did many vacations during the summer months. This oftentimes coincided with my youth group’s short-term mission trips. I remember in middle school our youth pastor would … Continue reading
nerdwax: it keeps your glasses up! Don Hejny, inventor of nerdwax, was working on a music tour one summer when he was inspired with the idea of nerwax. The musician he was working with couldn’t seem to keep her glasses up while performing at an … Continue reading